Haldwani is a center of Excellence incorporating state of the art Medical technology with excellent expertise. The number of hospitals have number of experienced and qualified Doctors in haldwani in the field of allopathic, Ayurvedic, homeopathic, unani and other system of medicine.
Doctors in haldwani helps to maintain the health of patients and helps to recover the injuries. There is large number of hospitals in haldwani, these hospital have highly qualified energetic doctors of different field and of different medical system.
Top Ranking Doctor in Haldwani in the field of Homeopathic treatment:
Dr. Naveen Chandra Pandey founder & senior practitioner of Sahas Homeopathic is one of the best doctor among various doctors in haldwani, renowned name in the region, practicing for over 17 years. He has a stubborn determination to dig down to the roots of suffering and address the underlying issues that not only create disease, but limit creativity and joy in life. Though many healers claim they aim for this level of work, few persist in the work that is necessary to gain the ability to do it. He has the rare ability to empower people to make positive physical and emotional changes in their own lives. He is a real inspiration. His mission is to empower, inspire and facilitate others to live vibrantly healthy lives.