Diabetes Diet Chart
Morning at 6: ½ teaspoon fenugreek powder + water.
Morning at 7: 1 cup sugar free tea + 1-2 marie biscuits.
Morning at 8.30: 1 plate upma or oatmeal + half bowl sprouted grains + 100ml cream-free milk without sugar
Morning at 10.30: 1 small fruit or 1 cup thin and sugar free buttermilk or lemon water
Lunch at 1: 2 roti of mixed flour, 1 bowl rice, 1 bowl pulse, 1 bowl yogurt, half cup soybean or cheese vegetable, half bowl green vegetable, one plate salad
4 pm: 1 cup tea without sugar + 1-2 less sugar biscuits or toast
6 pm: 1 cup soup
8.30 pm: 2 roti of mixed flour, 1 bowl rice, 1 bowl pulse, half bowl green vegetable, one plate salad
10.30 pm: Take 1 cup cream -free milk without sugar.
When you feel hungry intake raw vegetables, salad, black tea, soups, thin buttermilk, lemon water.
Avoid it: molasses, sugar, honey, sweets, dry fruits.
Advice for diabetes patient:
35-40 minute faster walk every day.
Diabetic person should eat food between times intervals like take breakfast in morning, lunch, some snakes and dinner.
Avoid oily food.
Intake more fiber foods in meals. It increases glucose level gradually in blood and keeps control.
Do not take fast and also don’t go much party.
Diabetic person should eat food slowly.
Diet Chart for Heart Patients
Cardiac diet is an essential part of cardiac treatment and cardiac diet is designed to meet individual requirement as per the problem, present life style, as well as about the present health condition by a professional dietician for promoting good cardiac health.
Cardiac diet is generally designed based on some principle facts like low intake of animal protein, preference to trans free margarine instead of butter, promotion of consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits, low intake of sodium based foods, adding fish meal almost regularly to the diet, elimination of tea or coffee consumption as much as possible from diet chart, etc. Foods containing plant stanols help to prevent heart disease as well as cardiac problems of the body.
Fiber is a cardiac friendly edible ingredient, thus, liberal intake of fibrous foods is a must in an ideal cardiac diet. Apart from controlling the intensity of the appetite and controlling body mass, intake of fiber in the diet helps to lower down cholesterol count in the human body which helps to control the risk factors in a major way for the cardiac patients.
Apart from the cardiac benefit, intake of fibrous foods also helps to aid in digestion and reduces the problem of constipation and in a passive way decreases the chance of heart risk. Fiber sources of foods are abundant in varieties; some of the popular varieties are legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds, fruits and fresh vegetables.
Men below 50 years of age should take 35-38 grams of fiber and above 50 years old senior citizens should consume 30 grams of fiber every day. Women below 50 are scheduled to consume 25 grams of fiber, and above 50 are to consume 21 gram of fiber on a daily basis. A cardiac diet thus should be comprised of high fiber count and low fat content.
The best utility of a cardiac diet can be exploited when some associated healthy foods are also to be compared as a part of maintenance of diet. Least intake of loose salt, cooking with heart friendly oils like coconut, olive are the best option to maintain life of the heart, which is the ultimate aim for cardiac diet. Balanced diet, tension free life will surely helps a cardiac patient to live a peaceful and regulated life.
Risk Factors
Risk factors you cannot change:
Heredity- Heart disease tends to run in some families.
Sex- Men have a higher rate of coronary heart disease than women.
Age- Heart disease incidence increases with age.
Diabetes- Although better control can lessen risk.
Low HDL level in the blood.
Risk factors you can change:
High blood pressure
High blood cholesterol
Lack of exercise
The following is the suggested diet for persons suffering from some disorder of the heart:
Upon arising: Lukewarm water with lemon juice and honey.
Breakfast: Fresh fruits such as apples, grapes, pears, peaches, pineapples, oranges, melons, one or two slices of whole meal bread and skimmed milk.
Mid-morning: Fresh fruit juice or coconut water.
Lunch: Combination salad of vegetables such as lettuces, cabbage, endive, carrots, cucumber, beetroot, tomato, onion and garlic, one or two slices of whole meal bread or wheat tortilla and curd.
Mid-afternoon: Fresh fruit juice.
Dinner: Fresh vegetable juice or soup, two steamed or lightly cooked vegetables, one or two whole wheat wheat tortilla, and a glass of buttermilk.
The patient should also pay attention to other laws of nature for health building such as taking moderate exercise, getting proper rest and sleep, adopting the right mental altitude and getting fresh air and drinking pure water.
Rules for Eating
Do not take water with meals, but half an hour before or an hour after a meal.
Eat slowly, chew your food thoroughly and never eat to full stomach.
Restrict the intake of salt.
Take liberally foods rich in vitamin E.
Diet for High Blood Pressure Patients
The key to controlling Hypertension or high blood pressure is to reduce consumption of salt i.e. sodium, increase consumption of potassium, increase comsumption of soluble dietary fiber and maintain resonable weight by
regular exercise.
Early morning: One glass of lukewarm water mixed with 1 Tsp dried ginger powder and 1 Tsp ground fenugreek seeds.
Breakfast: Oatmeal with low-fat milk or soy milk – 1 bowl, mixed nuts (unsalted) like walnuts, almonds, pistachio and apricot – 1 cup, mixed fruit consisting of banana, red grapes, kiwifruit and dates – 1 bowl, egg white – 1, along with a cup of green tea.
Mid morning: Tomato soup with ginger, garlic and herbs – 1 bowl, along with one glass of tender coconut water.
Lunch: Three whole wheat or mixed flour chapattis or four slices of brown bread or a bowl of brown rice with a bowl of dhal (cooked with garlic, tomatoes and herbs), one cup of low-fat yoghurt, one baked fish like mackerel, sardine or tuna, cooked green vegetables, chutney (ground paste) made of flaxseeds; garlic; green chili; coriander and mint along with green salad and a glass of tender coconut water.
Evening: one cup of raisins and flaxseeds along with a glass of red grape juice.
Dinner: Two whole wheat chapattis or two slices of brown bread with a bowl of vegetable or chicken stew, one baked fish like mackerel.